Too many books

a blog about books I'm reading and other things

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wizard at Large

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The third book in the Landover series. I took a break after reading the first two to read the third later. (read first one last October, 2nd one in January) I forgot how humorous the books are. I generally don't like fantasy that much but I guess the reason I like these is partly for the humor. I got bored at the usual battle type sides and long descriptions but overall it was good. One more book in the series; not sure when I will read it yet.

The Kidnapping of Courtney Van Allen and What's-Her-Name

The Kidnapping of Courtney Van Allen and What's-Her-Name-Joyce Cool

Another young adult book but one I actually stuck with! A quick read about 12 year old Jan and her new friend the famous Courtney Van Allen and their wacky adventures including a wacky kidnapping. Fun.

The Top Secret Journal of Fiona Claire Jardin

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Another did not finish. Again, this one was too young. The journalist was 10 and the majority was about her parents divorce. I just wasn't interested. Probably great for a kid though.

A Case of Curiosities

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Another book that started very slowly. I seriously considering dumping it but decided to give it another chance. Takes place in France right before the French Revolution; about a boy inventor. Parts were hard to read but I am glad I read it.

Steel Ashes

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I picked up this book because of its setting of Pittsburgh, where I grew up. It takes place in the early 1900s, a mystery about a fire that leaves two immigrants dead. Lots of connections to the steel mills in the book. The book started out very slow but I gradually got into the story. I loved the character of Helen, a very strong and opinionated woman for her time. I think I read the book more for the characters rather than the plot line which was just ok.

Happy Little Family

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One of my very favorite books is The Best Loved Doll by Rebecca Caudill. I adored this book when I was younger, and still do. I decided to try this book out by her which, I believe, is part of a series. I stopped reading after a few pages. Although it very much seemed like a type of book I like to read, the writing level seemed too young to me even though I love a lot of children's lit.

A House with a Clock in its Walls

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A short, creepy read. I have been wanting to read this series for a while. It was creepier than I thought it would be. I love Uncle Jonathan; a great character!